
юли 6, 2017


Time stands still, moments last forever. The nameless characters are staring figures, emerge as the changing mental shreds and then disappear.

За автора

Natalie Plaskura

Natalie Plaskura was born 1984 in Herford, Germany, to Polish parents, and completed her studies of photography, expanding her studies in cinematography, at FH Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts / Deparment of Design, Dortmund, Germany. Her diploma film was screened on several filmfestivals, ia. PlusCamerimage 2012, International Arizona Short Film Festival 2012, Raindance Film Festival 2012, Bamberger Kurzfilmtage 2013, ..etc. Currently she is doing her Master-degree in Filmstudies at FH Dortmund. Beside oft he realisation of her own filmprojects, she collaborates on several filmproductions in the camera- and light department and is working as a freelance filmmaker and cinematographer.