Submit your film

Rules & Terms

The Quarantine Film Festival will be held in the summer, 2025.

Eligible for entry are films with duration of up to 30 minutes, completed after January 1, 2023.

“The Quarantine” is an International Film Festival. Submissions are welcome from any individual or group of individuals (e.g., company, organization, association, university and school).

We accept films in one of the following categories: Fiction films, Documentaries, Animations, Experimental films, Video art and Digital art works.

Deadline for submission: until February 28, 2025. Final selection announced – until June, 2025.

The authors of all selected films will be notified via email till June, 2025.

The entry fee is 4 USD. By submitting your work you support our cause to preserve the fishermen’s way of life. The festival is organized on voluntary basis and nobody receives any payment.

The Festival WILL NOT pay screening fees for the films selected for the festival.

Screening copies are preferred to be delivered in High Definition digital files in mp4, avi, mov or other format.

How to submit Your Work

To submit please visit our FilmFreeway page.

The films must have English subtitles or English dialogue.

By submitting a film, the submitter declares that he holds all intelectual property rights and similar over the film and all assets used in the film holding intelectual property rights have been cleared out and payed for with the owners.
Owners of the IP Rights for the film agree to the festivals terms and agree for the movie to be used in the festivals program and all other screenings related to the festival.
The submitter agrees for screenshots, trailers and parts of the film to be shown (online and in other medias) to advertise the film’s participation in the festival.

The preview copies of all films submitted to the Festival are automatically included in the Festival Video Library, where they are available for non-commercial professional viewing.

The Festival has the right to resolve any questions not included in these Regulations.

By applying for participation in The Quarantine Film Festival you agree to all sections of the Festival Regulations.


By submitting your move you agree with the festival’s terms and conditions.