The Unhappy One

July 9, 2016


One ordinary day the best worker of the factory – Aigars – gets fired. The reasoning – he is unhappy. Turns out that the whole society is overwhelmed with the cult of happiness and Aigars fails to join in the false paradigm. However, to regain his job, Aigars is forced to familiarize with this haze of positivism which leads him to seeing something that others do not.

About the author

Kārlis Vītols


2001 – 2003 Master of humanities in Painting, the Latvian Academy of Arts
1997 – 2001 Bachelor of humanities in Graphic, the Latvian Academy of Arts
1990 – 1997 Graduate Riga Art college named after Latvian artist Jans Rozentals
1986 – 1990 Riga Secondary School No.1