Made of flesh

August 4, 2023


With a touch of blush and a few drops of lip gloss, Lucie is getting ready to start her training day to become a hostess at a motor show. A lifelong car enthusiast, she has the secret hope of being noticed by the prestigious EBBE brand.

About the author

Florence Rochat, Séréna Robin

Florence Rochat (France, 1985) after studying literature and cinema at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Florence Rochat devoted herself to writing and directing. She developed several short film projects, including Made of Flesh (Poupées de chair), which she directed in 2022, produced by Les Films du Cygne and Cookies films, pre-purchased by Canal+. She also co-wrote Jonathan Millet’s first feature film Les Fantômes, produced by Films Grand Huit, winner of the Moulin d’Andé Francophone residency, Groupe Ouest, Emergence and the Grand Prix 2022 at the Prix du Scénario (formerly Sopadin).

Séréna Robin (France, 1986) at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University Paris 3, Séréna combined her two passions with a double degree in Modern Literature and Cinema. She then began writing short film scripts. Made of Flesh (Poupées de chair), pre-purchased by Canal+ and co-produced by Les Films du Cygne and Cookies Films, is her first fiction film. In parallel, she has written and directed several documentary films. She is currently shooting her next two documentaries: Les Nouvelleaux and Les Sorcières de Sarcelles (2022).