Hide and Seek

August 7, 2024


It’s summertime. Rosie is solving mathematics while her grandmother is baking cookies. Both of them leave the tasks and the biscuits to “rise” to go and have some fun while playing “hide and seek”. Rosie is hiding first but her grandma is finding her way too quickly. After that, they switch. Counting with her eyes closed, Rosiе doesn’t realise that her life is moving as fast as the counting. Reaching 10, Rosie opens her eyes and realises that there is a change in her life that she is not ready for.

About the author

Rositsa Trayanova

Rositsa Trayanova (Rose Trayan) was born in Varna, Bulgaria. During her childhood, Trayan began writing poems and a couple of years later her first roman was published in Bulgaria. Rose graduated from the University of Paris Est and the famous EICAR in Paris, where she majored in film directing. Her very first short movie is called I love you, daddy. It was selected to more than 7 international festivals and awarded by ARFF Berlin and Los Angeles Cine Fest. Also, her film took place in Short Film Corner at the festival in Cannes.

Her success continues with her other films such as Algerians Flowers and Call Me As You Want. Her short film Pardon won the Golden Fox at Calcutta International Film Festival for best women director and a month later – she received a Gold Award at European Cinematography Awards in the main category.