Daniel Garcia is a guy that like many others of his generation feels he hasn’t accomplished any achievement in his life. The day he turns thirty, he decides to run away with Marie, a girl who meets at a gas station.
Julieta Alcaide (Barcelona, 1984) studied Audiovisual Communication and later obtained her Master’s degree of Arts in Filmmaking at the ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i
Audiovisuals de Catalunya). In 2013 she begins her professional career as assistant director in films, TV and advertising. In 2016 she writes and directs her first short film “Happy Thirties”, which humorously showcases her generation’s disenchantment with life. Stemming from this project the ‘Partners in Crime Films’ group is born as a platform from which she produces and directs her own audiovisual projects.
With the financial support of National Culture Fund.
©2024 The Quarantine Film Festival